By Jordana Vieira – Ascom/LAIS

On May 26 and 27, the Laboratory of Technological Innovation in Health (LAIS/UFRN) promoted the 1st Integrated Workshop for adaptation to LGPD, in the auditorium of the Distance Education Department of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (SEDIS/UFRN). The acronym is attributed to the General Law of Personal Data Protection, provided in Law No. 13,709, approved in August 2018, effective from September 2021.

The LGPD promotes the protection of personal data of every citizen who is in Brazil, by establishing the standardization of norms and practices that ensure a scenario of legal security. The law must be complied with in organizations or data centers located in the country or abroad, processing the content of people, Brazilians or not, who are in the national territory.

The training was conducted through lectures mediated by the Lab’s researchers: Jadson Fábio, representative of the Information Security and Data Protection Center; Luis Eduardo Germano Evangelista, of the Legal Center, and Rodrigo Silva, representing the Database Center.

During the program, LAIS researchers, who work in product development in the Digital Health area, discussed information security and sensitive data used in software production (privacy by design) and other services provided by the institution.

In the first moment, the speakers presented the law and the specific points that LAIS needs to comply with. Then, they highlighted the laboratory’s limitations, mapped before the event, which will be improved in the coming months. Researcher Rodrigo Silva reinforced the need for this action, “LAIS created the information security core, which is its own internal core, to analyze and guide people. And as we are always developing new tools and collecting and processing data, we have to have this continuous movement of adaptation and training,” he concluded.