

Mesquita, in Rio de Janeiro, enters phase 2 of the Salus 2.0 platform implementation

By Bruno Cássio - Ascom LAIS The Hospital Estadual da Mãe (HMãe), in Mesquita/RJ, in Baixada Fluminense, serves pregnant women from...


Niterói/RJ City Hall will implement the Salus platform in the municipal health network

By Bruno Cássio - LAIS/UFRN Communication Advisor One more place in Brazil will benefit from the technology produced by the...


Researchers promote communication hackathon during Intercom Sul

By Gabriel Mascena and Letícia Meira - Ascom LAIS Between June 16th and 18th, researchers from the Technological Innovation in Health...


LAIS researchers debate syphilis at National Symposium

A round of conversation promoted on Friday afternoon allowed the dialogue between several opinion leaders of the gay community in Brazil...


LAIS discusses technical cooperation with the University of Parma

By Bruno Cássio - LAIS/UFRN Ascom The 15th International Congress of the United Network, held in Vitória, Espírito Santo, until next...


“No Syphilis” Project at the Diversity Fair

By Valéria Credidio - Ascom LAIS To talk about the importance of prevention, testing and treatment for syphilis. This was the work...


At international event, LAIS researchers discuss the role of technological ecosystems in tackling covid-19

By Bruno Cássio - Ascom LAIS/UFRN  At the official opening of the 15th International Congress of the United Network, held this...


LAIS participates in preparatory workshops for the 15th United Network International Congress

By Bruno Cássio - Ascom LAIS/UFRN The capital of Espírito Santo state will be the national center for discussions about the...


LAIS pays posthumous tribute to internationally recognized researcher

By Jordana Vieira (Ascom/LAIS) On the morning of today (14), a posthumous tribute was paid to Alessandre Medeiros, former head of the...