By Dênia Cruz/ Heloisa Lemos – Ascom/LAIS

Started on Tuesday (22) the seminar “Immersion in the auditing platform of SUS”. The event, held in the auditorium of the Distance Education Department of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (SEDIS/UFRN), is promoted by the Ministry of Health through the National Audit Department of SUS (DENASUS), in partnership with the Laboratory for Technological Innovation in Health (LAIS/UFRN), University of Brasília (UnB), Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein (HIAE), Palantir Technologies, Telecommunications Research and Development Center (CPQD) and SENAI/CIMATEC.

The goal of the meeting was to align activities among the institutions that are developing a new tool to audit projects and actions in the Unified Health System (SUS), through the use of artificial intelligence and new technologies for auditing and monitoring activities.

During the first day of the event, each of the partners was presented. Each of the participants made a brief presentation of the activities and expertise they develop, and that may contribute to the development of the system that will be delivered during the cooperation.

For LAIS researcher Rodrigo Silva, this is the first moment of exchange between the partners. “This event is the first integration agenda for the partners, to align the demands developed by each one. We realized the need to make this immersion and exchange experiences, which will contribute to the advancement of the platform development process”.

The seminar takes place until next Friday (25th) and brings together researchers, technicians and information and communication technology (ICT) professionals from the above mentioned institutions.