By Heloísa Lemos – Ascom/LAIS

The Laboratory for Technological Innovation in Health (LAIS/UFRN) in partnership with the Health Department of Campo Grande (SESAU), in Mato Grosso do Sul, carried out the implementation of phase 2 of the technological incorporation of the System for the Intelligent Monitoring of Diseases in Primary Care and Epidemiological Surveillance (Salus), focused on expanding the training of health professionals who work in primary care and in the management of syphilis cases.

To carry out the activity, LAIS researchers were in the city of Jardim Noroeste between June 6th and 7th and held the workshop that culminated in the qualification of professionals from the Family Health Units (FHU) of Jardim Noroeste, Aquino Dias Bezerra Vida Nova, Edson Quintino Mendes Jardim Itamaracá, Alfredo Neder Coophavila II, Helio Martins Coelho Batistão, Benedito Martins Gonçalves Oliveira II, Paulo Coelho Machado, Sumie Ikeda Serradinho e Santa Emília and the Prosa and Judson Tadeu Ribas Districts.

The professor from the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS), Alessandro de Carli, explains that “the return of LAIS researchers to train the technicians and servers at the FHUs is strategic for us to be able to perform a better follow-up of syphilis cases in Campo Grande. The first time the team came, we had the workshop with two Family Health Units, because we were still in the beginning of the project. Now we have the opportunity to expand to more than ten FHUs. And we can notice the interest of people in learning about the system and embracing the cause of control and eradication of the disease.

For LAIS researcher Vera Lúcia Kodjaoglanian, the partnerships between the laboratory and SESAU tend to expand. “Our first cooperation was the Telehealth services, which became so fundamental during the Covid-19 pandemic. We evolved and increased the agreement with LAIS to the Salus system that is now expanding, which is very salutary for the technicians and servers as well as for the Campo Grande population,” concludes the researcher.

Renewed partnership
In 2021, the LAIS research team conducted the training and implementation of the Salus system with the Epidemiological Surveillance managers of Campo Grande and with the technical staff of the Tiradentes and Moreninha FHU.

Salus 2.0
Salus is a digital health solution for intelligent monitoring of diseases in primary care and epidemiological surveillance centered on the experience of citizens and health professionals.