Chronic respiratory diseases are the fifth leading cause of death among the Brazilian population. Globally, the mortality rate exceeds 60%, with the majority occurring among the elderly. Aside from the loss of life, healthcare systems in low- and middle-income countries are significantly impacted. A partnership between Brazil, Portugal, and Greece intends to enhance the response to these diseases through the Multipulm project, a scientific research and implementation initiative that will benefit patients in Brazil, Serbia, and Turkey. Horizon Europe will provide all the funding for Multipulm, the European Union’s main funding programme for research and innovation.
The project is co-authored by the Laboratory for Technological Innovation in Health (LAIS/UFRN) in partnership with the Center for Informatics and Systems of the University of Coimbra (CISUC/UC) and UNIGR, an acronym for Uni Systems Systimata Pliroforikis Monoprosopi Anonymi Emporiki Etairia, da Grécia. The consortium also includes 16 research institutions from 10 countries. In the first 48 months of activities, the project is expected to treat 3,200 patients in Brazil, Serbia, and Turkey. The goal is to develop an integrated digital health ecosystem to deliver care to the patients participating in the research. To achieve this, tested and validated tools will be used to improve the management of chronic diseases and strengthen secondary prevention in individuals with multimorbidities associated with chronic respiratory diseases.
In developing the digital health ecosystem, the project suggests an integrated care model. This model leverages the expertise and experience of the institutions involved in disease care to facilitate the sharing of structured information and health interventions. In this way, the researchers believe it will be possible to improve care coordination, while also applying strategies based on patient-centered results. Importantly, these strategies could be adapted to cover different socio-economic contexts in low- and middle-income countries.
According to Professor Jorge Henriques, director of the Center for Informatics and Systems at the University of Coimbra (CISUC), the implementation of the project will be guided by a detailed plan and local training activities to empower key players in the health sector. The project will be tested on a large scale, involving patients with multimorbidities in the three countries covered. Socio-economic and financial assessments will be conducted to support policymakers in ensuring the continuity of the project’s actions, thereby guaranteeing its long-term sustainability and contributing to the improvement of the Universal Health Coverage index in participating countries.
“Multipulm aims to improve the quality of life of patients and their families, while combating the social, economic, political and organizational inequalities associated with the complex multi-morbidity management. This project could therefore be a model for other countries,” said the Portuguese researcher.
The approval of the Multipulm Project demonstrates the scientific maturity and international recognition that the Laboratory for Technological Innovation in Health (LAIS) has attained. A maturity built on fruitful cooperation, such as the one with the research group at the Center for Informatics and Systems at the University of Coimbra (CISUC). “LAIS also specializes in developing international research networks, networking that strengthens technical-scientific cooperation across nations and contributes to advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This is a distinctive approach to the United Nations (UN) 2030 Agenda, particularly in the context of global health”, argued Professor Ricardo Valentim, LAIS executive director.
LAIS director also explained that “the Multipulm Project is a transdisciplinary research initiative focused on comprehensive care and attention for patients with chronic respiratory diseases. It is therefore completely in line with the epistemological nature and scientific work conducted by LAIS/UFRN. “We are all very proud, especially as we know this project will be carried out in Brazil, in the State of Rio Grande do Norte, in the cities of Natal and Mossoró. This means that our country and our state are playing a major role in global scientific development in the field of health innovation”, he added.
European Union funding
To be approved for funding, the Multipulm project was built on international cooperation between 18 institutions from 10 countries, including Greece, the United Kingdom, Belgium, Romania, Cyprus, Serbia, Turkey, and Switzerland, in addition to Brazil and Portugal, led by LAIS/UFRN and CISUC. In total, 75 projects from all over the world applied for the Horizon Europe program, with only five being approved. The project costs were approved in their totality, amounting to 4,399,687.50 Euros, to be implemented over 48 months. It is worth noting that the consortium integrated by LAIS/UFRN obtained an outstanding final score, achieving 14.5 out of a total of 15 points.
Submitting proposals to the Horizon program requires not only explaining the project’s scientific impact on society and the economy, but also presenting partnerships, expertise, infrastructure, and the development of scientifically relevant research. Thus, the final score achieved reflects the excellent alignment of the approved institutions with the programme requirements.
Horizon Europe is the European Union’s main funding programme for research and innovation. It supports the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), fosters collaboration between European institutions and associated countries. Horizon also boosts the impact of research and innovation on public policy development, support, and implementation, thus fostering knowledge and technology.
Research and Innovation Action (RIA) is a type of programme funded by Horizon Europe that supports collaborative research and innovation projects aimed at exploring new technologies, services, methods, and products or improving existing ones, often resulting in a functional prototype.
International cooperation
Multipulm’s approval is yet another fruit of the international cooperation between LAIS/UFRN and the Centre for Informatics and Systems of the University of Coimbra (CISUC), bringing recognition and benefits to both internationally renowned institutions.
CISUC has a long history of research in computer science, and has developed and implemented innovative methodologies in many fields, mainly in health. Meanwhile, LAIS excels in technological innovation applied to health, striving to find solutions that positively impact society, especially people’s quality of life. For Jorge Henriques, the converging competences of LAIS and CISUC have important results, enabling the creation of interdisciplinary projects that address complex challenges in health and technology. ‘The combination of CISUC’s expertise in advanced algorithms, artificial intelligence, and data processing with LAIS’s expertise in practical applications in health provides a solid foundation for developing innovative solutions with significant social impact,’ he argued.
The University of Coimbra researcher emphasized that the cooperation has boosted the international visibility of both institutions, highlighting them as benchmarks in their fields. ‘The approval of Multipulm represents a unique opportunity, capable of generating a positive and concrete impact on society through the practical application of innovative health technologies, improving people’s quality of life and promoting more equitable and efficient access to healthcare.’
The development of projects through international cooperation enables faster and more effective scientific progress in addressing society’s urgent problems. The Multipulm Project fits perfectly into this context, where international coordination in technical-scientific cooperation helps break free from the confines of scientific endogeny. This approach allows for the multilateral sharing of knowledge and experiences, fostering an environment where all participants both learn and teach. They are, therefore, co-authors in a horizontal model of cooperation.
Institutional units partnering LAIS/UFRN in the project
– Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN)
Center for Health Sciences (CCS)
Department of Collective Health (DSC/CCS)
Health Management and Innovation Graduate Program (PPgGIS)
– Center for Human Sciences, Letters, and Arts (CCHLA)
Department of Communication (DECOM)
Media Studies Graduate Program (PPgEM)
– Center for Education (CE)
Department of Educational Foundations and Policies
– Center for Technology (CT)
Department of Biomedical Engineering (DEB)
Electrical and Computer Engineering Graduate Program (PPgEEC)
– Faculty of Health Sciences of Trairi (FACISA)
Nutrition Major
– Secretariat of Distance Education (SEDIS)
– Federal Institute of Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN)
Advanced Nucleus for Technological Innovation (NAVI)