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Vaccines could have saved 2 thousand lives in RN, points out LAIS survey

Report produced by the laboratory reaffirms importance of immunization to save lives More than 2 thousand lives could have been saved,...


Vaccine passport requirement increases demand for immunization, LAIS data show

Data collected by researchers from the Laboratory for Technological Innovation in Health (LAIS/UFRN) indicate that the requirement of the...


LAIS report reinforces importance of immunization among adolescents and children

Rio Grande do Norte has not recorded deaths of adolescents, between 12 and 17 years, after the beginning of the immunization of this public...


RN Mais Vacina has an intellectual property registration granted by INPI

The RN Mais Vacina system, responsible for managing the vaccination process against Covid-19 and Influenza in Rio Grande do Norte, received...


Is it possible to change the course of the epidemic? Reflections on the example of state RN, Brazil

By Ion de Andrade If Covid's deaths were concentrated in childhood, strong measures would have already been established internationally,...


LAIS presents confrontation actions to Covid-19 for OAB / RN commission

By Arthur Barbalho The coordinator of the Laboratory of Technological Innovation in Health at the Federal University of Rio Grande do...


Singapore study pandemic end date wrong, researchers say

By Thays Teixeira Physicists from several countries and especially those linked to the Brazilian Physics Society (SBF) contest the data...


“Caring for the elderly reduces coronavirus infection rates”, says an epidemiologist

Art: Maurício Oliveira Júnior More than 28 million Brazilians are over the age of 60. This represents about 13% of the population of...


Online course qualifies healthcare professionals to use RegulaRN

By Arthur Barbalho Health professionals working in the regulation of hospitalization beds in Rio Grande do Norte will receive online...