Data collected by researchers from the Laboratory for Technological Innovation in Health (LAIS/UFRN) indicate that the requirement of the vaccination passport to access events and places of great movement boosted the demand for immunization against covid-19 in all Rio Grande do Norte, including the capital, Natal. After the vaccination requirement, it was verified, among people over 18, an increase of more than 90% in the demand for the immunization.

The cutout takes into account the period between January 11th and 25th, being one week before and one week after the publication of the state decree that requires the presentation of the passport, published on January 18th, only for the application of the first dose. For D2, the increase was little more than 23%.

At the same time that the state decree boosted the demand for vaccination, the non-mandatory nature of the vaccine passport, decreed by Natal City Hall, also impacted the immunization of the population. The difference between January 24th (date when the release of access without the passport was announced) to the following day registers a drop of 9.35%.

All the data, which follows below, was compiled and analyzed by LAIS researchers.

RN + Vaccine – Impact analysis of the Vaccine Passport in the Covid-19 campaign in RN

Updated: 26/01/2022 at 10:19am

Data period
11/01/2022 a 25/01/2022

Publication of the Vaccine Passport decree

Decree is in force

Population +18 Vaccinated with D1 before the decree

Population +18 Vaccinated with D1 after the decree
4.930 (+98,71%) 📈

Population +18 Vaccinated with D2 before the decree

Population +18 Vaccinated with D2 after the decree
10.354 (+23,65%) 📈

Population +18 Vaccinated with D3 before the decree

Population +18 Vaccinated with D3 after the decree
69.230 (-22,95%) 📉

Access to RN + Vaccine before the decree
1.428.621 views and 121.199 users

Accesses to RN + Vaccine after the decree
3.416.689 views (+120,26%) and 285.405 users (+135,48%)

RN + Vaccine – Analysis of the impact of the Vaccine Passport in the Covid-19 campaign in Natal/RN

Updated: 01/26/2022 at 10:19am

Data period
11/01/2022 a 25/01/2022

Publication of the decree on the Vaccine Passport

Decree is in force

Population +18 Vaccinated with D1 before the decree ESTADUAL – Natal

Population +18 Vaccinated with D1 after the STATE decree – Natal
2.024 (+159,15%) 📈

Population +18 Vaccinated with D2 before the STATE decree – Natal

Population +18 Vaccinated with D2 after the STATE decree – Natal
4.295 (+52,95%) 📈

Population +18 Vaccinated with D3 before the STATE decree – Natal

Population +18 Vaccinated with D3 after the STATE decree – Natal
18.120 (-28,17%) 📉

Population +18 Vaccinated on 24/01/2022 before the MUNICIPAL decree – Natal

Population +18 Vaccinated on 01/25/2022 after the MUNICIPAL decree – Natal
4.831 (-9,35%) 📉