Syphilis No!

Stemming from a partnership between LAIS and the Brazilian Ministry of Health and supported by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO/WHO), the “Syphilis No!” project is, to date, the largest project for fighting syphilis in the context of global health.

The main goal of such an interfederative action is to contribute to the reduction in cases of acquired syphilis and syphilis in pregnancy in Brazil. That has been achieved through initiatives carried out by four distinct dimensions: management and governance, surveillance, comprehensive care, and strengthening of educommunication.

Syphilis infection awareness is fomented under the scope of educommunication, while courses made available through the AVASUS platform were designed to improve education for the overall population.

As for data analysis and prediction, big data and machine learning solutions are used, in addition to technological solutions for creating intelligent public health surveillance rooms and clinical laboratory analysis.



Learn more about the project

Elimination of congenital syphilis infections

By emphasizing prevention in pregnancy, with early diagnosis and appropriate treatment, congenital syphilis infections will be eliminated.

Integration between surveillance and health care

Collaboratively integrate all epidemiological surveillance and health care actions in SUS territories.

Development of academic and medical research

Conducting academic and medical research within the scope of the project, which will provide the development of new approaches to control this STI in the country.

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