The second day of the I International Seminar on Innovation in Health had as central theme of the discussions the “Introduction to Engineering and Data Science: from data to decision”. The lecture was given by professor Jorge Henriques, a member of the department of Computer Engineering at the University of Coimbra. The 1st Seminar is the result of a partnership between the Laboratory of Technological Innovation in Health (LAIS/UFRN) and the Center for Informatics and Systems at the University of Coimbra (CISUC).

In his speech, Henriques addressed what is data science and how this science, new developments, new applications. As shown by the professor, in 2018, 80% of the world’s available data was centralized, with only 20% of the information being made available to society. “By 2025 the expectation is that this picture will be exactly the opposite, with 80% of the information being available. And to have this data it is necessary to know how to work with it”, he stated.

Still yesterday afternoon, professor Paulo Gil, also from CISUC, gave the lecture “Classic and Deep Neural Architectures”. Paulo Gil is a professor at the Electrical Engineering Department. His research interests are in distributed systems, intelligent systems, resilient networked control systems over heterogeneous networks, and the Internet of Things, with numerous publications in the area.

All the material produced by the I International Seminar on Innovation in Health will be turned into an open educational resource and will be available soon.