By Heloísa Lemos – Ascom/LAIS

Between March 28 and 29, researchers from the Health Technological Innovation Laboratory (LAIS) were in Jaboatão dos Guararapes (PE) to carry out training on the Salus 2.0 system. The two-day workshop aimed to implement phase two of the technological incorporation of the system for the intelligent monitoring of diseases in primary care and epidemiological surveillance, focusing on the training of managers and health professionals who work in primary care and in the management of syphilis cases in health facilities that are reference for the treatment of the disease.

At the time, LAIS researcher Fernando Lucas explained that “we have already been in Jaboatão at the end of last year, to conduct this workshop with other surveillance teams and three Family Health Units (FHU). However, I felt the need to come back to train the technicians and employees from the Health Surveillance, the STI/AIDS Counseling and Testing Center (CTA) and the Guarararapes Memorial Hospital, as a way to expand the partnership and improve the care and follow-up of patients with syphilis”.

The head of the CTA – IST/AIDS of Jaboatão dos Guararapes, Carolina Guilherme, attended the two-day training and was enthusiastic about the application of Salus: “Undoubtedly, the system comes to add and facilitate both the life of the technicians and servers who will work in the notification of syphilis cases, and for the patients, who will now have the chance to be better followed-up in any public health unit in which they are, within our municipality”. Carolina adds that “Salus was well received because it has an aggregator character. We noticed that the developers are capable of adjustments and, particularly, I requested some. Today we can only thank for this partnership, which will be a success”, she concludes.

Renewed partnership

In 2021, the LAIS team of researchers conducted the training and implementation of the Salus system with the technical team of the FHU’s of Catamarã, Ponta Larga, and Nova Divinéia 1, as well as with the actors of health surveillance of the Municipal Health Secretariat of Jaboatão dos Guararapes. In the occasion, the LAIS group was welcomed by the Municipal Health Secretary, Zelma Pessoa.

Salus 2.0

Salus is a digital health solution for intelligent monitoring of diseases in primary care and epidemiological surveillance focused on the experience of citizens and health professionals.