

LAIS participates in Harvard event seeking solutions for type 1 diabetes

Diabetes is a major global health problem, with more than 460 million people diagnosed with type 1 diabetes worldwide. In this perspective,...


LAIS is officialized as the first PAHO/WHO Collaborating Center in the Northeast

The Laboratory for Technological Innovation in Health at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (LAIS/UFRN) was made official this...


Researchers use artificial intelligence to predict dengue cases

By Valéria Credidio - Ascom/LAIS  Nearly 400,000 suspected cases of dengue fever were reported in Brazil in the first four months of...


Elderly shelters receive diapers collected at the 3rd International Health Innovation Conference

By Bruno Cássio - ASCOM/LAIS      The phrase "We make science an instrument of love of neighbor" is stamped in the hallway of the...


LAIS/UFRN’s work is awarded by the Federal Administration Council

Bruno Cássio - Ascom/LAIS The student Lais Stéphanie Bazílio da Silva, concluding the course of Technology in Public Management of...


Harvard professor discusses health systems in lecture at HUOL/UFRN

Innovation in health systems and future directions - this was the theme of the lecture given by Harvard Health School professor Rifat Atun....


Closing of the 3rd CIIS counts with the presence of educational authorities

By Valéria Credidio - Ascom / LAIS In all, there were 10 lectures, six debate panels and two coffees with ideas with the participation...


Investments in health boost the economy

By Valéria Credidio - Ascom/LAIS For every R$ 1.00 invested in health, R$ 1.70 is generated for the economy. The information was...


“We want equal people, equal training and absolutely equal education,” stresses IFHT’s vice-director

By Gabriel Mascena (Ascom/LAIS) Education, beyond a teaching and learning area, is a tool for equality and resilience. From this...