

Digital transformation of healthcare closes second day of international conference

By Arthur Barbalho (Ascom/LAIS) Focusing on the discussion of digital health in Latin American countries, the second day of the 3rd...


Technological Ecosystem Supports Decision Making in Global Health

By Valéria Credidio and Gabriel Mascena (Ascom/LAIS) More than 16 thousand lives saved and 24 thousand beds regulated. These are some...


Partnership between LAIS and G1 RN transmits 3rd CIIS live

By Valéria Credidio (Ascom/LAIS) Going beyond the physical barriers of Natal, the 3rd. International Health Innovation Conference can...


A shower of dreams to improve the quality of health

By Valéria Credidio (Ascom/LAIS) In papers thrown up high, the participants of the lecture IHI's Successful Experiences in Total...


Experiences of the “Syphilis No” project are presented in a panel at the 3rd CIIS

By Dênia Cruz - Ascom/LAIS On Tuesday morning, one of the panels of the 3rd International Health Innovation Conference debated the...


Technologies and Artificial Intelligence in the support of ALS patients

By Dênia Cruz/Ascom LAIS On the morning of the second day of the 3rd International Health Innovation Conference, the panel "Science for...


Panel debates the importance of innovation in human training in health

By Jordana Vieira / Ascom LAIS Aiming to discuss the impact of education on health, the panel "Health Education: the impact of...


Journalist speaks about the importance of information and moves those present at the 3rd CIIS

By Valéria Credidio / Ascom LAIS One of the main tools for overcoming the problems experienced by everyone during the covid-19 pandemic...


“Every crisis brings an opportunity,” highlights international professor at opening of 3rd Conference

By Gabe Mascena (Ascom/LAIS) "Every crisis brings an opportunity." Based on this premise, Rifat Atun, professor of Global Health Systems...