Arthur Barbalho


Rector of UFRN receives organizing committee for the 29th World Conference on Online Learning

By Bruno Cássio and Marina Gadelha In October 2021, Natal will be the international capital of Online Learning and should bring...


LAIS offers course on coronavirus at AVASUS

The Laboratory of Technological Innovation in Health at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (LAIS / UFRN), in partnership with...


LAIS researchers participate in “Be Your Boss” event in Morocco

By Cintia da Hora During February 25  and March 1, researchers Rodrigo Silva and José Arilton, from the Laboratory of Technological...


In Brasília, LAIS and ICDE sign partnerships for the 29th World Conference on Online Learning in RN

By Bruno Cássio The presence of the Minister of Health, Luiz Henrique Mandetta, representatives of the ministerial staff, members of...

Hearing and Language

In reference to World Hearing Day, LAIS conducts activity in a municipal school in Macaíba/RN

By Gabriel Mascena and Jordana Vieira Researchers from the Hearing and Language research base at the Laboratory of Technological...


In Natal, LAIS / ICDE integrated seminar discusses challenges of lifelong learning

The Laboratory of Technological Innovation in Health at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (LAIS / UFRN), in partnership with...


LAIS researcher participates in ICDE committee meeting in Norway

By Gabriel Mascena In January, the researcher from the Laboratory of Technological Innovation in Health (LAIS) Carlos Alberto de Oliveira,...


LAIS and the Pontifical Salesian University of Rome hold a working meeting

Researchers from the Laboratory of Technological Innovation in Health at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (LAIS / UFRN)...


LAIS professor and researcher receives Padre Sabino Gentille Medal for working with the elderly at UFRN

LAIS professor and researcher Kênio Costa was honored with the Padre Sabino Gentille Medal, an honor granted by the Municipal Council of...