Portal RN Covid-19 unifies all information regarding the New Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) in the State of Rio Grande do Norte. It is a communication and information channel of the State Health Secretariat – SESAP / RN with the whole society, providing official information, educational material, bulletins about Covid-19 and monitoring tools with data and information that are of public interest.
Link: http://covid19.saude.rn.gov.br/
Coronavirus RN (public data)
It is an information system that aggregates various data from various official sources of information from the state government and also from the federal government. The purpose of this tool is to allow the whole society to have access to data that is of public interest, and thus can follow the evolution of Covid-19 in a transparent manner.
Link: https://covid.lais.ufrn.br/
Telehealth / RN
Teleconsulting system that allows the professional to have access to the referenced opinion and based on scientific evidence provided by specialists in the health area. In this way, the doubts of professionals at the tip of the health service about Covid-19 can be answered through the exchange of text messages or by web conference. Telehealth / RN can be accessed from a computer or smartphone. For the use of the system, training has already been carried out by 17 health professionals from SESAP / RN and from the municipalities of Natal, Extremoz, Parnamirim and Macaíba. In addition, there is a partnership between the Telehealth Center and the residences of Family and Community Medicine and Psychiatry and the Hospital Universitário Onofre Lopes (HUOL) with the participation of more than 40 professionals.
Link: http://teleconsultoria.telessaude.ufrn.br/
Regulation of ICU Beds – RegulaRN
The RegulaRN System aims to order and standardize the flow of access to ICU beds in the state of Rio Grande do Norte and thus promote transparency, integrity and equity in access to services. In addition, RegulaRN is able to optimize the response time of SUS for the use of beds offered by the state.
Link: http://regulacao.saude.rn.gov.br/
The Virtual Learning Environment of the Unified Health System (AVASUS) is a virtual learning space aimed at qualifying workers, managers, students in the health field and also the general population, through technological mediation. AVASUS has been a powerful tool in the face of the training demands of health professionals and students in the technical areas and health professions, as well as the general population, especially in this time of pandemic and social isolation. An example is the course “Emerging respiratory viruses, including Covid-19”, which currently has more than 65 thousand enrolled throughout Brazil and in more than 43 countries worldwide.
Link: https://avasus.ufrn.br/
The quarantine system is a mobile application that allows quarantined people to be welcomed through a humanized care network. Offers face recognition and geolocation services for people in quarantine. The user is asked, at random times of the day, with questions about his well-being, if he is at home, if he has doubts. If you do not answer or are not at home, the Situation Room (see below) will be notified.
Link: https://quarentena.faceponto.com.br/
Through an evaluation and screening, the system will indicate the health professionals who will be welcomed at the Hotel Barreira Roxa. These health professionals are, necessarily, working to face the cases of coronavirus and that prove to live with people from the risk group or that they have people infected by the new coronavirus in the same residence.
Link: http://acolhe.saude.rn.gov.br/
Orienta Corona RN
It is a system that provides humanized care to the population, based on flowcharts and protocols, regarding doubts related to the New Coronavirus. Through simple questions, the system seeks to identify the user’s need related to Covid-19 and if it presents symptoms or is in groups considered to be at risk, the system directs you to the call center in a chat, where the guidance will be singled out according to self-reported situation by the user. The objective is to contribute to users’ self-care, to the qualification of social isolation recommended by the Ministry of Health, reducing the burden on health services, thus decreasing the morbidity and mortality related to Covid-19 in RN.
Link: https://orientacorona.saude.rn.gov.br/
Situation Room
The situation room is a physical intelligence space, with an integral and intersectoral view, composed of a technical team, for monitoring beds, respiratory equipment and cases of Covid-19 cases. The team, in possession of the computer systems, will carry out daily analyzes and evaluations, through data collection, to provide information with technical and scientific basis. This information allows the assessment of the situation in a given region and, based on this assessment, the planning and implementation of actions and policies to face Covid-19.
Vaccination system for the elderly in condominiums
It is a system that aims to manage the influenza vaccination of elderly people living in horizontal or vertical condominiums across the city of Natal. This action aims to expand vaccination coverage for influenza and reduce agglomerations and overload of Health Units in the Primary Health Care (PHC) network, preventing coronavirus infection and supporting the municipal management of Natal in the logistics of the health campaign. vaccination of the elderly.
Link: https://natalvacinacaoidosos.lais.huol.ufrn.br/
Volunteer System
It is a system for registering health professionals who wish to make available some time to make a call center advising the population about Covid-19.
Link: http://covid19.imd.ufrn.br/voluntarios/