
The integrated platform for governance and transparency of the vaccination process against covid-19 in Rio Grande do Norte, RN+Vaccine, is an integrated data system, which allows the tracking of vaccines in a cross-checking of information that identifies incidents, generates alerts and intelligent reports. Allowing greater control over the application of vaccine doses, reducing waste and giving efficiency in the execution of processes. 

The system is the result of a partnership between the State Secretariat of Public Health of Rio Grande do Norte (Sesap/RN) and the Laboratory for Technological Innovation in Health at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (LAIS/UFRN). 

RN+Vaccine covers all 167 municipalities in Rio Grande do Norte integrated within the tool’s Management module. Its implementation made it possible to transmit in real time the vaccination registers made by almost 800 vaccine rooms distributed throughout the state, being the first system in Brazil for vaccination control to integrate with the National Immunization Program Information System (SI-PNI), by means of the National Health Data Network (RNDS), a national platform for interoperability of health data developed by the Brazilian Health System Informatics Department (DATASUS).

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