
Developed by the Laboratory for Technological Innovation in Health (LAIS), from the conception of OpenPacs, OpenTelediagnosis is a web system that aims to form a bank of Brazilian medical images. The idea of the LAIS researchers is that these general practitioners can have the help of specialized professionals to assist in the case, even at a distance.

The web system aims to provide the practice of telediagnosis by radiologists and residents, through the use of tools for laundering and acquisition of radiological content mediated by an external interface to the equipment present in the physical infrastructure of the hospital.

It also guarantees the remote consultation of medical imaging exams stored in a PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication System) image bank, which will help health professionals in the most remote places in the country, where the lack of specialists makes it impossible for general practitioners to form a diagnosis of difficult and specific diseases in certain areas of medicine.

Learn more about the project

Quick Access

The OpenTelediagnosis system has an interface that guarantees access by specific users to the data stored in a PACS database.

Cooperative Diagnostics

Distribution of reports and diagnostics performed by the medical staff, the OpenTelediagnostic system must act as a cooperative network for laundering and diagnostics.

Process Optimization

It is possible to perform patient laundering and diagnostic processes via a web interface with the help of telediagnostic tools.

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