
The Bambino project aims to study, during the first two years of life, the development of the auditory and language system of babies with risk indicators, especially those with congenital infections or premature births.

The project also features the implementation and validation of a hybrid outpatient clinic model for the SUS focused on the identification, diagnosis, intervention, and monitoring of infants with hearing impairment and delayed auditory and language development.

Between the years 2013 and 2016, the studies were conducted in premature babies and babies with hyperbilirubinemia. From 2018 to 2022, babies with congenital syphilis and cytomegalovirus were the focus.

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Identification and characterization of the prevalence of audiological and developmental changes in premature babies or babies exposed to congenital syphilis.


Definition of developmental markers of the central auditory system in infants in the first two years of life.

Life Quality

Improving the life quality of infants/children, with a view to improving diagnosis and therapy for infants at risk in their developmental milestone.

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