The ADA platform was developed by LAIS (Laboratory for Technological Innovation in Health) in partnership with the Research Center of the Hospital Federal dos Servidores do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, and is also validated by the Brazilian Association of Clinical Research, which brings together more than 40 research centers throughout Brazil.
The system manages data on the results of clinical research developed by LAIS partners, and the goal is to have an accessible and integrated database on scientific investigations conducted by public institutions in Brazil.
Through this tool, it will be possible to register all clinical research work conducted with immunobiological in Brazil, including the management of TCLEs (Informed Consent, signed by the research volunteers), clinical trial phases, registration of researchers and participants, researcher central, participant central, and automated importation of research data, registration of credentials for the National Health Data Network, cross-referencing clinical data, vaccination registration, inventory and incident management, management reports, participation and vaccination statements, alerts and notifications, integration with RNDS, National Health Card, and information exchange related to RIA, REL, CNS, e-SUS APS, Vaccination, Clinical Trials, and SOA-Bnafar.
Strengthening governance in the management of clinical trials, providing an innovative experience for researchers, sponsors, and participants.
Cross-referencing of data generated in the various phases of research through automated indicators centered on the experience of the researcher, partners, and subjects.
A platform that integrates the work processes related to protocol planning, execution, monitoring, and analysis of research results, with real-time indicators tracking.
Oversight of procurement and contracting of resources for Covid-19.
Ferramenta de monitoramento remoto dos sinais vitais dos pacientes com Esclerose Lateral Amiotrófica (ELA)
A non-invasive method used to diagnose diseases of osteometabolic origin.