Orienta Corona RN

Orienta Corona RN is a system that provides humanized service to the population, based on flowcharts and protocols, about questions related to covid-19. It is part of the technological ecosystem that the Laboratory for Technological Innovation in Health (LAIS) created. It is the easiest access tool on the new coronavirus, aimed directly at helping the population.

The objective is to offer guidance to the population, information for self-care, multiplying individual and collective prevention actions in their homes, neighborhoods and communities, thus reducing the overload on health services.

Through simple and direct questions, the system seeks to identify the user’s needs related to covid-19. Citizens have online access to the system, which can be activated by any device with internet access.

The service consists of two levels. The first level is self-service: the user undergoes a virtual service, performed by the service’s artificial intelligence, screening and answering questions about the Coronavirus and Covid-19. The second level is telehealth, which works as follows: if the user needs more information, they will be directed to the call center in a chat room, which will be done by a group of medical students under the supervision of health professionals, with more detailed guidance for those seeking the service.

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